report problem


        September & October 2011
        Lukas in Milta

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report problem            report problem            report problem           

report problem            report problem            report problem           

        June & July 2011




        October 2010

report problem            report problem            report problem           

report problem            report problem            report problem           

report problem            report problem            report problem           

report problem            report problem            report problem           

report problem            report problem           

        September 2010

report problem            report problem            report problem           

report problem            report problem            report problem           

report problem            report problem           

report problem            report problem           

        July 2010

report problem            report problem            report problem           

report problem            report problem            report problem           

        June 2010

report problem            report problem           

report problem            report problem           

report problem            report problem            report problem           

report problem            report problem           

report problem            report problem            report problem           

report problem            report problem            report problem           

report problem            report problem            report problem           

report problem            report problem            report problem           

report problem            report problem            report problem           

report problem            report problem            report problem           

report problem            report problem            report problem           

report problem            report problem            report problem           

report problem            report problem            report problem           

        May 2010

report problem            report problem           

report problem            report problem           

report problem            report problem           

report problem            report problem           

        February 2010

report problem            report problem           

report problem            report problem           

report problem            report problem           

report problem            report problem           

        January 2010

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report problem            report problem           

report problem            report problem           

report problem            report problem           


July 2009 Photo Archives

August 2009 Photo Archives

September - December 2009 Photo Archives


        August 16, 2010 report problem
        April 14, 2010 report problem
        August 31, 2009 report problem
        July 11, 2009      report problem
        July 07, 2009      report problem


  • 22.2.2010: Lukas steht auf
    (Lukas is standing up)
  • 12.2.2010: Er sitzt frei
    (Lukas is sitting)
  • 2.2.2010: Er krabbelt
  • 5.1.2010: Lukas isst Brei
    (Lukas is eating baby food)


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  • Born: July 07, 2009 at 18:03
  • Height: 52cm
  • Weight: 3 kilos, 815 grams

  • 06.July 2009
         Lukas weighs 4 kilos, 115 grams!
  • 07. August 2009: Lukas wiegt 5.100g!
  • 09. August 2009: Was Lukas gern hat:
       - alle 3 Stunden eine große Portion Milch
       - sein Mobile anhimmeln und dabei wie
             verrückt strampeln
       - gefönt werden
       - ganz aufmerksam aus dem Fenster
       - Papas tiefe Stimme
  • Was Lukas garnicht mag:
       - tagsüber schlafen
       - wieder aus der Badewanne rausmüssen
       - Langeweile
  • 15.8. Erste Töne: aah, eeh, hau.
    (First noises)
  • 17.8. Das erste Lächeln
    (First smile)
  • 10.9. Die erste Impfung ist überstanden
    (He had his 1st vaccination)
  • 12.9. Lukas kann Lieder mitsingen:)
    (He started to sing with us)
  • 15.9. Er betastet Spielzeug und fängt an zu Greifen
    (He´s touching and holding toys and wants to grab them)
  • 18.9. Lukas macht Spuckbläschen und summt mit den Lippen
    (He is making bubbles with spit and sounds with his lips)
  • 10.10. Lukas kann beid - und einhändig sicher greifen
    (He can grab now with one and both hands)
  • 25.10. Lukas dreht sich vom Rücken auf den Bauch
    (He can turn over to his belly when he lays backwards)
  • 2.11. Lukas streckt in Bauchlage die Arme, greift und spielt
    (He is stretching his arms and playing when laying on his belly)
  • 9.11. Der erste Schnupfen
    (1st time he has flu)
  • 12.11. Lukas probiert neuerdings viel seine Stimme aus und kreischt und brabbelt
    (He is using his voice much more and playing with different sounds and voices)
  • 17.11. Die dritte Impfung ist überstanden - jetzt zum Glück 8 Monate Pause
    (He had his 3rd vaccinations, happy to have 8 month break until the next one)

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